Flash quotes: 8 December
DEBRECEN/VIENNA - Comments from players and coaches after France beatn Sweden 31:27, Hungary beat Romania 37:29, and Montenegro beat Poland 30:28 in main round group I on Sunday.
Additional comments from Netherlands centre back Larissa Nüsser (NED), Norway right back Stine Skogrand and left wing Camilla Herrem (both NOR), and Slovenia left wing Ema Abina and centre back Tjaša Stanko (both SLO) at media calls in Vienna on Sunday.
Tomas Axnér (SWE) – head coach
On the game:
“I think it was a game where we played better than before. We had to win, of course, to be able to reach the semi-finals like in the last years, but France was too strong today.
“They scored many goals on the counterattack. I think we played well in defence and it was a good game for us, but not enough for a team like France today.”
On the lessons from their performance:
“That we have to play with compassion and this level of fighting, and we have to do that against Montenegro. We know that they are also a very strong team, with a lot of power, so we have to continue and try to reach the game for fifth and sixth place, of course.”
Elin Hansson (SWE) – left wing
On her thoughts after the game:
“I am disappointed, of course, but I think we have everything in every situation. We had a very good game, but France was better.”
On the lessons from their performance:
“We played a lot better in this game, we are desperate for a victory and we played with more aggressiveness and eagerness to win. So we should be proud today, even though we lost.”
Sebastien Gardillou (FRA) – head coach
On the game:
“I am satisfied and happy because we are on for gold – actually, we aren’t beaten, but this is not my point of view. My point of view is to follow our progress and improve for the whole championship and I am happy because we were better tactically and physically.
“I am also happy because we are already in the semi-finals and that’s better before playing against Hungary, I can think differently and organise them to go to Vienna not to eat Mozart chocolate, but to play something better.”
On what they have to improve in the next matches:
“To run, this is my goal all the time, the purpose for this team. Because we aren’t the best defence in the world, Norway are, actually, and I would like to prove that we can retake this position.
“We have a strong defence and big fast breaks are so important because for this game, we had our shooter Orlane Kanor outside for disciplinary reasons. We had to try and find solutions to play without her.”
Grace Zaadi Deuna (FRA) – centre back
On the game:
“I am so happy. It’s the fifth time in the row that we qualify for the semi-finals and I am super happy, proud of the team, because it wasn’t an easy game, it’s not easy to play against Sweden.
“Every time our matches are tough and we had an amazing first half, we went to the lockers six goals ahead. In the second half we were very careful, because we knew that nothing was done and gave everything to win or at least take a point from this game.
“We had a lot of ups and downs, but we stayed stable in the second half. This is a strength of character that we have shown and I am super proud of the team.”
On how confident they are in their chances for the title:
“We still have three games, many things can happen. First, we need to focus on the last game, against Hungary. It will be a super exciting game because we will fight for first place.
“After that, we will focus on the semi-finals. We are so excited, all teams have a good chance and I hope to tackle those games in a proper way to grab a medal.”
Vlagyimir Golovin (HUN) – head coach
On reaching the EHF EURO semi-finals:
“We are really happy that after the sixth game in this tournament we already know that we are in the semi-finals. We worked a lot, really hard, in the past few years, and we are really proud of the team and of the girls. Of course, we would like to thank the fans because the atmosphere was fantastic tonight and they pushed us.”
On what they have to improve before the final weekend:
“Now, we only focus on the next game. Of course, we know that we are in the semi-finals, but we still have one game in Debrecen and afterwards we will prepare for the opponent that will wait for us in Vienna.”
Petra Simon (HUN) – centre back
On reaching the EHF EURO semi-finals:
“It’s hard to say anything because I think that we played a very good game against Romania and the fans were amazing as always here. We fought and we played as a team and of course, Katrin Klujber was on fire today. But that’s it like in these matches, one of us is on fire, but in the end we are a team and I think that we are very strong.”
On the importance of the fans today:
“They were perfect. I’ve always said that they help us so much and they give us so much strength in the match. Also, when we were coming to the arena today, they had a few cars before us and behind us and it was so amazing, I could have never imagined something like this.”
Florentin Pera (ROU) – head coach
On the loss:
“It was a very tough game for us. We started the game well. For the first 20 minutes we played very well, but our problem was that we missed too much in the first half, I think that’s why we lost the game.
“We missed 10 times one-on-one with the goalkeepers, a lot of shots from my wings, penalties, too much for one game against Hungary.
“In the second half I tried to change something in defence, to play two systems in defence, also to play seven-against-six in attack, but it was very hard to turn the match around.
“But we tried to fight and I am proud of my players because they didn’t give up in the end, you know that we have a very young team. I think that in one good day we can fight for victory against Hungary. Also in the second half we lost one of our best players, (Angela) Stefania Stoica, she injured herself and couldn't play in the last minutes.”
On their problems during the match.
“We expected to play better, but I think that we lost too many one-on-one duels in defence, we didn’t play at our level in defence, like we did against Sweden. But in the first half it was the key, we lost too many good one-on-one situations.”
Sonia Seraficeanu (ROU) – right wing
On her thoughts after the loss:
“We did a good job and today they were the better team, their goalkeepers had a better day. We did everything that we could, we played with our hearts, but as you could see, they had the supporters by their side, they were playing at home. But I am proud of us, I am really proud of us.”
On how she felt playing after being injured earlier in the tournament:
“I felt so good and I was surprised, because I really wanted to help my team and I played with my heart and forgot about any injuries that I had, about pain.”
Suzana Lazovic (MNE) – head coach
On the win:
“For us it’s important that we won, we have some bad takes but also a lot of good things. I am happy with the players that after we lost two times, we came back and showed this in the match.
“We have a good defence, they didn’t do anything new. Maybe in the last match we had this problem with shooting from nine or 10 metres from the left back, but I am happy and proud of the girls that they again jumped over the mentality that things were lost.”
On what changed in their game that helped them take the lead:
“In the second half I think that our defence and Marta (Batinovic) gave us new power and new energy in the goal and this is so important. In the first half they played good defence, we also played with good defence but we had some problems shooting between numbers one-two and five-six.
“This is what we didn’t prepare before the match, but in the end it’s good that we came back, closed this and saw what the situation was. Also I think that Djurdjina Jaukovic opened the zone and I am so happy.”
Marta Batinovic (MNE) – goalkeeper
On the win:
“I am so happy because I think we played an amazing game and today it was really better also in defence and attack. I am happy I also got my chance after knee surgery so I am really happy and proud of this team.”
On taking the lead:
“I think that we didn’t go in the match with full power, so in the second half we knew that we needed to move a little bit and that we need to win this game, we need these points.”
Arne Senstad (NOR) – head coach, Poland
On the game:
“Quite a difficult game I think, we knew, hoped and showed that we could be a part of it right from the start. I think we were playing really well on goal, in the defence, getting exactly what we wanted.
“Also in attack we were playing well, but we started to make these mistakes and get these stupid two-minute suspensions.
“Then we were getting out of the rhythm, players coming in and drawing at half-time. And then in the second half it was a little bit the same, again, I think when we played our game we were doing it really well but unfortunately we made too many mistakes.
“I think it was unprovoked, it was not like Montenegro made us do the mistakes, but we played out of the sideline and threw it directly at them. And then I don’t know, the referees were just giving to one side and not giving us anything.
“So that’s it: in the end we gave them some goals but we need to be better, and don’t make any mistakes if you are going to have these points.”
Paulina Uscinowicz (POL) – left back
On the game:
“It’s hard to say.
“Just disappointed because we felt it was close and we had a chance, but some small details didn’t work for us and that’s why the result is like this.”
On their performance:
“We are really happy about many things in the game, many things were working. I think we played hard in defence and we managed to meet our expectations for the game. But I can say there were some small things, mistakes, throwing some balls, easy two-minute suspensions and the score went out of our control.”
Larissa Nüsser (NED) – centre back
On the defeat against Norway:
“In the first half time we actually created some good chances, but of course, Katrine (Lunde) in goal was stopping us from scoring. And I think from there we made too many mistakes and we give them too much easy goals from counterattacks. When playing against Norway that's hard as they are too fast.”
On their position in main round:
“I think we can make a better performance in next two games. We played some practice games before the championship where we showed what we can do. And at this tournament we actually become better in defence and we help each other more.
“So I think we have to believe in ourselves and look at what we can do. Then we just hope for the best and then win the next two games, and then we can fight for a spot in the semi-final.”
On the game against Switzerland:
“I think they actually have a really good team. They showed it in the first few games that they can keep up with the good teams and we have to be prepared for that, and we have to be ready. But of course, we know what we can do and we want to run like we always do.
“Maybe there we have a little advantage that it's also later in the tournament so maybe they will also be tired and obviously we can make a difference there also.”
On their goals for the EHF EURO:
“There has been a lot going on the last months in our team, of course — we changed coach, we changed some players and there was a lot of negative comments about it. They didn't believe that we could do good at this tournament.
”So I think we mainly want to be proud of ourselves and show the people what we can do because we know what we can do and we want to show it to the rest of the of the Netherlands, and the rest of the world also, that we can actually be here and fight for this last few spots.”
Stine Skogrand (NOR) – right back
On the last match and what information it gives them as they look ahead:
“It gives us a lot of confidence after the game last night. We are so looking forward to the game against Germany, and we know if we can win that game, that will make us to the semi-final, which is our next goal. It's going to be a tough game.
“It's also important for Germany. They came with a lot of physics, they are strong, they are running, they're also good one against one, so we have some work to do.”
On the mental aspects of the game:
“It can go both ways, because if we start good tomorrow then maybe we can make them not believe in it, but if they are in it from the start and we are not, then they will believe in it and then it can be tough. For them, it's more like win everything or go home.
“For us, we also have one more shot. But of course we want to win the game and I think they are a great team. They have so many good players and it's going to be tough. It's going to be a mental game as well.”
On the journey through the championship so far:
“I'm actually very proud of how we performed so far this championship because we don't have Stine (Oftedal) and Nora (Mørk). We did not know how well we were or how we could play without them and I think we have a lot of good playing without them.
“Of course we miss them. They're great people. But I think we have a great team with a lot of good players so when someone is resting then another one is coming and will do a good job as well.”
On the pressure of being able to qualify for the semi-finals with the next game:
“In every championship, we take one game at a time. When we're going into the game tomorrow, we're only thinking about Germany and how to beat them and not further. That, I think, is a strength for our team.”
Camilla Herrem (NOR) – left wing
On the game against Germany:
“I'm excited. We have played a game against Germany not so long ago (in the Posten Cup in October). I think they have a very strong team. We know the players very well. They have a lot of speed and they have a lot of good shooters.
“When we played against them in Norway, we struggled against them. But I think our defence is just getting better and better now. We used the games a lot in this championship to try and get better and better. We are going to prepare very well for this team.”
On passing the 150-goal milestone at the EURO and her favourite EURO goal:
“My favourite goal must be in 2010 at home in Lillehammer, when we're playing against, I think it was against France. I'm coming in the fast break and I got pushed all the way to the line almost, and I did the spin and it went in. I think it was steps also before but the referee didn't see it.
“But anyway, the ball went in and you could just see my face was surprised. And to do that in front of the home audience, I think that's a goal I will never forget.”
On Norway’s journey through the EHF EURO 2024:
“I think we had a lot of progress from the beginning to now. We had a lot of talking about our defence — that we need to be better. We need to help each other more. You can see we're starting to get better against Denmark and small adjustments and then against Netherlands yesterday.
“I think we were much better than the day before. We used our running skills more, because we're talking about the Netherlands — they like to run and run and run. I also said to our team that we don't have to forget that we are running as well. We have to run in the entire game, because that's something we’re used to and that's something that can be tiring for the opponents.
“We've been taking steps all the way from Innsbruck till now. I'm just very proud of the team because we lost some key players after the Olympics, so we didn't quite know where we were. But the way we've been handling ourselves on the field and the way that other players have been stepping into their role, I'm very, very proud.”
On it being the last championship with head coach Thorir Hergeirsson:
“I'm very proud to have him as a coach and to also see his journey along the way, from 2009 until now. The way he leads the team, it's such a special way. He's very good at letting the players get involved with the tactics.
“We are always involved with everything and that makes us feel that it's ours, so if we lose a game, it's our plan that didn't work or it was we that failed or we that were winning together. We always feel like we're part of it. The way he's been in in front of this, it’s wonderful to see.
“Also, because our national team has been getting older and many of our teammates are having children, just to have this that you can have your child in the national team gathering, they've been a role model for the whole world about this.
“That means that we can play longer in the national team as well, when they are doing this for us as mums, and you can see we have a lot of mums in the team now. I don't think that would be possible if the Norwegian federation didn't do what they do, and that's Thorir in the front.”
Ema Abina (SLO) – left wing
On the win against Switzerland:
“That win was important for us and it gives an additional confidence. We wanted to win in the main round and we did it.”
On the game against Denmark:
“Even though we beat them two years ago at the European championship we played at home, but now we have completely changed (our) squad. And they will also look at us differently but they are nor underestimating us.
“We are going to prepare well for them. Denmark are a powerhouse and we need to keep the ball, not make mistakes and we need to stop their fast attack. Also, they are very strong in one-against-one play.”
Tjaša Stanko (SLO) – centre back
On the Slovenian team:
“We are playing good, we are fighting hard and are going into the right direction. I’m happy and proud od the team.”
On the next game against Denmark:
“Denmark are among top three teams, even at this tournament. We will have a tough match but we will show our fight, that we play with heart and then we will see how it will turn out.”