Court of Handball penalises Beyeröhder Handball UG
The EHF Court of handball has reached a decision in a case opened against the German club Beyeröhder Handball UG regarding its failure to pay education compensation.
In August 2020, the player Nika Matavs was transferred from the Swedish club Boden Handboll to the German club Beyeröhder Handball UG. However, despite reminders sent by the Swedish club, the club Beyeröhder Handball UG refused to proceed to the payment of the compensation for the cost of education.
The EHF Court of Handball has recalled that the club must pay education compensation in favour of the Swedish club.
The EHF Court of Handball has found that the club shall be sanctioned according to Article XI of the IHF Regulations for Transfer Between Federations and Article E.5 of the EHF List of Penalties since it failed to pay education compensation on time.
Consequently, the EHF Court of Handball imposed on the German club a €2,500 fine and a one-year transfer ban at international level (ban imposed on a suspended basis with a probation period of one year as from the date of the present decision and under the condition that the club pays the education compensation within the given deadline).
For the sake of completeness, it is hereby underline that the temporary transfer ban imposed by decision of the EHF Court of Handball on 25 November 2020 on the club is lifted.
An appeal may be filed within seven days.